Friday, January 30, 2015


So proud of Chase, he earned his Tenderfoot this week and his swimming merit badge. This scouting business is no joke, so I'm glad he's enjoying it so far.
 Chase getting pinned
 Mom getting pinned
Being presented with a sash, he's the newest scout in the troop.

Great job bud!!

His scout master read some pretty interesting statistics about Scouts. Rarely does an eagle scout stand before a juvenile court judge. Of the cadets at one of the military academy's something like 20% of the graduating class were eagle scouts. Only like 5% of boys that start scouts will go on to become eagles, (It's hard work, I can see why!) but Chase says its his goal to get one so, here's hoping!!

1 comment:

  1. Go Chase! I remember those days of having the boys put the pins on me.
