Tuesday, January 13, 2015

FHE Week #2- Cotton vs. Sandpaper

Cotton vs. Sandpaper Words


Tonight we talked about the types of words we use. BIG PROBLEM AROUND HERE!  I found the idea here. She is a school counselor and teaches this lesson to kids usually in Kindergarten thru 2nd grade, we took it to a more spiritual level, which the kids picked up on right away.  

They got to feel how fluffy and soft the cotton was, and how rough and scratchy the sandpaper was. They immediately said they compared to Jesus vs. Satan, but it really does work with words too. We pointed out that with the Sandpaper, when you rubbed it on your hand, it stung, and continued to sting for a while. Just like mean words do!!  The link has a list of good vs bad things to say, we cut them up and put them in a paper bag and let them take turns reading them. Even Sienna at age 4 could pick up on if they were Cotton words or Sandpaper words.  
We of course had to end the night with something yummy- This week: Oreo Milkshakes!  This is a great quick easy lesson, just in case you remembered while making dinner that it was Monday night, (not that that happened to me or anything!)

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