Sunday, January 11, 2015

Goals- Week #1

I made 10 goals for the NEW YEAR and I'm going to report on them here, to help hold myself accountable.  
1. Family home evening every week
     Week one went well, you can read about it here
2. Family fun day every month
     *It's on the calendar for January 24th- I'll let you know what we do.
3. Epic summer vacation
     *More on this in a few months:)
4. New floors:
   *Waiting for tax season on this one.

 5. Finish "the list"

   *"THE LIST" hangs on the side of the fridge and is full of things that need to be done around the house to really get it to where we want it. It covers everything from hang quotes on the walls, to paint the ceiling, to plant a tree. I've done all of 3 things so far. *sigh*
*This week, I hung up the ruler (growth chart) in the hall, cleaned out the linen closet and hubby repaired our ever leaking roof.  Glad to have a few (even if they're small) things checked off the list.
6. Get healthy/loose weight
   (Hubby & I are starting the "21 day fix" journey and our goals for January are Me: lose 5lbs, Scott: lose 6lbs (he just wants to beat me). )

*I love this program, after just one week - I've lost 1.5lbs and 2.75 inches!! I'm thrilled and haven't even been focusing as good on the food side as I should, hope to do better next week.

7. Sew a new wardrobe item every month
  *I haven't had time to think much about this so far this month.
8. Daily, meaningful prayers.
   *Still working on this. It's hit or miss at this point, as I haven't really developed a good habit.  Here is another good quote I found on prayer:
President Spencer W. Kimball taught: “Some things are best prayed about in private, when we don’t have to be concerned about time or the confidentiality of our prayers. Prayer in solitude is priceless and profitable. Praying alone helps us to shed shame or pretense, any lingering deceit; it helps us open our hearts and be totally honest and honorable in expressing all of our hopes and attitudes.” (Quoted in Liahona January 2011, Why Do I Need to Pray on my Own When I Already Pray With My Family.) 
9. Do my visiting teaching every month.
   *I forgot to talk to my partner this week. The girl is pregnant with her 7th child, and I get exhausted just looking at her and forget to ask her about it, she is a saint I'm sure!
10. Attend the temple at least once a month.
  *Planned on the calendar for Jan 17th.
Well, there you have it. I don't think any of them are un-attainable. I'm excited to share this year with you, and let you know how I do!

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