Monday, February 2, 2015

Goals- week #4

Happy February!!  One month down on my goals, 11 more to go:)

I made 10 goals for 2015 and I'm going to report on them here, to help hold myself accountable.

1. Family Home Evening every week. 
* Read about those here if you missed them

I found this quote I liked:  “We all know the struggle necessary to retain family home evening. There are thieves among us who would steal our Monday nights. But the promises of the Lord made 84 years ago and reiterated by our Prophets today, have never been revoked and are there for us: ‘If the saints obey this counsel, we promise that great blessings will result. Love at home and obedience to parents will increase. Faith will be developed in the hearts of the youth of Israel, and they will gain power to combat the evil influence and temptations which beset them.” Neil L. Anderson, Prophets and Spiritual Mole Crickets. October 1999 General Conference.

2. Family Fun Day every month
*"Family Fun Day" as my kids think it should be, didn't really happen. But you know what? We played a ton of games this week, and we saw a movie on January 1st. We've been so busy this month that that will have to count!

3. Epic summer vacation
*More on that in a few months.

4. New Floors
*We're waiting for tax season on this one, but we've measured and Hubbie's arranged time off in the end of February. I've never been so excited to do my taxes!

5. Finish "the list"
 *The list is coming along, slowly but surely. I'm still waiting to put the security door in. A lot of "security" we get from it, laying in my garage. I had the hair brain idea to paint the door frame first though, and then it started raining, which put a stop to those plans. I'm going to try and get that done this week (in between the million other things I have to do). Also, I started to work on Chase's room, but he informed me he'd rather be playing Minecraft on a Saturday then paint his room, so I decided to not bother.

6. Get healthy/loose weight
*January's results are in. I'm happy and I'm not. I weighed myself on Thursday (which is my normal weigh in day) and I was down 7 pounds!!! I did a major victory dance around the house. Then I weighed myself on Saturday the 31st, just for a total for the month and I had gained 5 pounds back. WHAT THE HECK?? I had done nothing different, how does one gain 5lbs in 2 days? So I was pretty bummed, so my results for the month are 3 pounds lost and 4.25" lost. I even went down a pant size. So overall, it was a successful month. I'm shooting for another 5 pounds in February.

7. Sew a new wardrobe item every month.
Check out January's project here. I'm scouring Pinterest for February's project.

8. Daily, meaningful prayer. 
*I've been so busy with work, kids, school and life that I feel like my constant prayers are the only things holding me together.

9.Do my visiting teaching each month.
*It's a new month, and I got a third sister added to me. She's new to the ward, and since I haven't felt that this ward is super inviting, I'm gonna go the extra mile to make friends.

10. Attend the temple at least once a month.
*Ugh. January was a complete failure. So many things went wrong every time I had planned to go. I'm going to make it up in February.

Well, there's my report for the week. I'll check in again next week. 

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