Thursday, January 8, 2015


This is the post in which I cry and whine like a 5 year old because school is the hardest thing I've ever done:(  And I'm only 4 days into it.

I'm taking 3 classes. I was only going to take two, but I got approved for financial aid (and I'd much rather have someone else pay for my classes than myself!) so I had to have a 3rd class to receive it.

Class #1 is Family Foundations, it's all based on The Family: Proclamation to the World, and so far seems pretty cool. So far this week, I've read about 20 pages (3 different articles) on the family, written a paper, taken a test and came up with a plan to add a better scripture study habit into my life, because I have more time than I know what to do with, apparently.

Here is some of what I've read that I thought was cool:
Julie B. Beck said:  "The creation of the earth was the creation of an earth where a FAMILY could live. It was a creation of a man and a woman who were the two essential halves of a FAMILY. It was part of the plan that these two be sealed and form and eternal FAMILY unit. That was the plan of happiness... When we speak of qualifying for the blessings of eternal life, we mean qualifying for the blessings of eternal families. This was Christ's doctrine, and this is some of what was restored that had been lost- understanding and clarity about family." 

From the church handbook: "We counsel parents and children to give highest priority to family prayer, family home evening, gospel study and instruction, and wholesome family activities. However worthy and appropriate other demands or activities may be, they must not be permitted to displace the divinely-appointed duties that only parents and families can adequately perform."

That second one made me feel good that our goals for our family are right on track!

Class #2 is Intro to Business, In this class I will write papers till my fingers bleed, work on networking, find a mentor to annoy shadow, work on a resume, and come up with a plan for graduation.

Class #3 has had me in tears more than once this week. It is "Small Business Creation" For starters, I had to choose a book (mine is 300 pages), read it and write a report by next Tuesday. NEXT TUESDAY. If that was the only thing this week, maybe it'd be okay, but I also have to read/watch videos, read about a HERO, work on case studies, come up with the 50 things I want to do before I die, and take 2 quizzes.  In this class I will interview an entrepreneur, Start a business (on my own), make $100 profit and donate it to charity (WHAT??); make a plan for a real business I'd like to start, interview faculty, start a blog about my journey, and who knows what else, cause my eyes glossed over.

All that, along with me a mom, clean my house once in a while, and do my full time job.

On my list of 50 things to do before I die: SURVIVE THIS SEMESTER.

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