Sunday, January 18, 2015

Goals- week #2

I made 10 goals for 2015 and I'm going to report on them here, to help hold myself accountable. 

1. Family Home Evening every week. 
*We've done week one and two without incident. You can read about those here if you missed them!

2. Family Fun Day every month
*Originally scheduled for the 24th, but we'll have to bump it back to the 31st. Life keeps getting in the way.

3. Epic summer vacation
*More on that in a few months.

4. New Floors
*We're waiting for tax season on this one, but we've measured and Hubbie's arranged time off in the end of February.
5. Finish "the list"
*Ugh. The list... So I sanded down my front door frame, in preparation for a fresh coat of paint. Then went to price a security/screen door. Home Depot would have been about $450 (total with installation) which made me gag a little. BUT then our garage door broke ($200 repair), THEN our dryer broke (repair man coming tomorrow-praying I don't have to buy a new one!) THEN my car started making a really annoying sound (this is the 3rd time it's happened, costs about $100 to fix- it's not vital, but it gives me a headache, so it kind of is)... so the security door and everything else on the list will wait for another day.  Boo:(

6. Get healthy/loose weight
*I'm doing BeachBodies "21 Day Fix" and hubby has completely abandoned me. He did Pilates one day and it nearly killed him and I think that's the day he checked out! I've had a rough week food wise, and even though I exercised everyday, I didn't see any progress on the scale. Oh well, it's more about getting healthy then the number on the scale.
7. Sew a new wardrobe item every month.
I made one for me and SiSi. Being a girl is so much fun:)  More details on mine here.

8. Daily, meaningful prayer. 
*Still working on this, it'll be a work in progress, and today's lesson "Pray Always" from the Ezra Taft Benson lesson manual was a perfect reminder of what I'm working on.
9.Do my visiting teaching each month.
*Boom! I talked to my partner, and reached out to my girls, hopefully visits will happen this Tuesday.
10. Attend the temple at least once a month.
*Well, it was on the calendar for yesterday, but we just couldn't make it happen. We had things already planned for the morning and then had a birthday party for my father in law in the evening. 65 years young! Here he is with Chase and my niece Morgan.

Temple day is officially rescheduled to Jan 24th.

Well, there's my report for the week. I'll check in again next week. 

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