Tuesday, February 3, 2015

5 years old!

There was a time, about 7 years ago, that I prayed to not have anymore children. After losing one to an ectopic pregnancy, it was more heartbreak than I thought I could ever handle again, and I just wanted to be done.  But, if God had granted that plea, I wouldn't have this beautiful, sassy, spunky, loving girl in my life. I'm grateful the Lord knows us better than we know ourselves!

Because now...
This little girl is 5 years old!
(This is, by the way, the photo I will be sharing with her Senior Class!!)

This sweet child has a fierce love of all things Princess.

She never misses a chance for a Selfie!

And lives to take silly face photos!

She's not a baby anymore, and it's kindof breaking my heart!

I found this on facebook and it's spot on. I love this little girl so much!

Sienna loves nature, her dogs, Doc McStuffins, she loves fruit, especially strawberries, pizza and chocolate. She cries if she has to eat chicken nuggets, she wants "healthy food." She is a little momma and takes good care of her brothers, I tell her she's babysitting when we go on dates, and I have no doubt that it's probably true. Chase can handle if an emergency arises, but Sienna is the one watching things. She loves sleep, bike rides, and reading. She hates to make anyone mad,  or have anyone be bad at her. She prays every night that her and Tanner won't fight any more.

I can't imagine life with out her!

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