Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The birthday of all birthdays! (& FHE #5)

It's not everyday that you turn 5!  We celebrated with Grandma & Grandpa Sunday night with some ultra pink/purple cupcakes.
 She woke up to a bike, which she has been riding all over the house all day. 

 She also got to go to Build-A-Bear for the first time! She picked out "Miss Hearts"
 Who is appropriately dressed as Elsa (Who else?!) Then she went to preschool where all the kids sang happy birthday to her, and Andrew even gave her a hug. She was kindof gushing about that part!

For dinner and Family home evening, we hit up Peter Piper Pizza, cause Pizza is this girls FAVORITE food. She had a blast!

After a long exhausting day, she came to me at about 7:30 and said "Is it bedtime yet? I want to go to sleep, cause I got some good dreams comin'!" It was adorable. 

Happy Birthday Sienna, can't imagine life with out you!

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