Monday, February 16, 2015


I am totally drowning. I just can't keep up and I'm looking forward to April and the end of the semester like my kids counting down till Christmas.

I've realized trying to meet my goals is adding an extra layer of stress that I wasn't expecting. I have so much homework and 8 basket of unfolded laundry, but I'm worrying about what Sewing Project I will complete for February, or getting good pictures of family home evening, all to meet my goal.

So to all my adoring fans (Mom & Dad), I'll keep updating (cause it's for a grade too) but I've got to cool it on the pressure I'm putting on myself.

To my kids: you're on your own. There are chicken nuggets in the freezer, Tanner can cook you Jiffy muffins, or Chase can cook you Ramen. That's the best you're going to get out of me for the next 6 weeks.

Projects are going to have to wait. vacuuming is not going to happen, neither is cleaning bathrooms. Dishes will happen on a minimal bases and laundry will get washed but not folded.

To anyone who tries to just "stop by"- I'm not letting you in. There I said it!  We can chat at the door. Just assume that a bomb went off in my living room and dropped barbies, puzzle pieces and infinity characters everywhere. It's not pretty.

Life will resume as we know it in April... Till then:)

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