Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Preparedness post #2 APPLESAUCE

I'm working on #6 today, although it encompasses #5 as well. 
1. Child ID cards. They started these at the fair. I just need to find them. And finish them.
2. Water storage
3. Food storage
4. 72 hour kits
5. Work on using more of the whole grains I do have stored, more home made items.
6. Canning
7. Gardening
8. Composting
9. Financial Preparedness
10. Medical/First Aid Supplies
My local produce store had apples for $.48/lb and so I went and stocked up on 21lbs!  They were gala which are one of my favorites cause they are so crisp.   So today we busted out some applesauce. 

Applesauce is so easy that even a 4 year old can do it. We peeled and cored all our apples. Then we cooked them in the biggest pan we could find. I had to break it into two batches. Note to self: buy big stock pot.  Instructions I found online said to add only 1 cup of water to the pot, which I thought surely would cause the apples to burn/stick, but they didn't and soon started to break down their own liquid. I added cinnamon and a little agave nectar for some added sweetness. I'm thrilled that it turned out sweet on its own, but because my kids are used to store bought applesauce and it's made with corn syrup (at least the one I had in my fridge was) they like it SWEET. If I can get them used to this level of sweetness, I'll probably leave out the agave on the next go round. I decided to puree it in my blender. Sprout has some serious issues with texture, and if he finds even a lump, he will not ever eat it again. Then we put it in the jars and gave it a water bath. I love hearing all the little "pings" as it seals. Music to my ears:)   I got 13 pint jars! 

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