Sunday, September 7, 2014

Preparedness Fair

Our stake has a seriously awesome Preparedness Fair every year, and every year it succeeds in making me feel terrible. We will surely not last long if a major disaster strikes. I was not the only one totally over-whelmed though. I guarantee you that!

They have a website if you'd like info. Peoria Stake Preparedness Fair

This year they had the police there, and my kids thought it'd be so funny to get a picture of me "behind bars"

Dear Lord, may this be the only time they see the inside of a cop car. Please and Thanks!

There is so much that I need to work on, so I'm making a list and hope to make some progress, using this blog for accountability:)

1. Child ID cards. They started these at the fair. I just need to find them. And finish them.
2. Water storage
3. Food storage
4. 72 hour kits
5. Work on using more of the whole grains I do have stored, more home made items.
6. Canning
7. Gardening
8. Composting
9. Financial Preparedness
10. Medical/First Aid Supplies

I'll keep you posted.

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