Tuesday, March 3, 2015

FHE #9

This week I've been studying about media use in my Religion class and so I thought we'd talk about it in FHE as well. We read an article from the friend magazine (found here). It's titled TV trouble and it talks about what to do if we find ourselves watching something we shouldn't, it was funny because right before FHE, Tanner wanted to watch a dinosaur movie and the only one he could find was SUPER bloody. After about 2 minutes of it, the kids all decided that they shouldn't be watching it and turned on something else. It was a perfect segway to be able to reward them for their good decision and talk about it more!  We also talked about how its hard to be the first person to stand up for yourself but often times when you do, others will follow.  We had ice cream cones for dessert. Yum:)

Sorry, no pictures, I just plum forgot.

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