Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The almost broken arm

We had a fun day with family watching my niece Lauren get baptized.Here we are sneaking some pics waiting for the program to start. They kids love their cousins.

We got together afterwards and had lunch and birthday cake for the birthday girl (whom I forgot to get a picture of. oops!)  While goofing off on the trampoline, Sprout got tackled and hurt his arm pretty good. About four hours later he was still complaining of pretty intense pain so we took him to urgent care. Why do these things always happen at night or on the weekends? Oh well.

They initially x-rayed his wrist, because that's where he said hurt the worst, but they looked clear. When the doctor evaluated him, and touched up near his elbow he about hit the roof. So they had us do more x-rays up near the elbow this time. This time they thought they saw a fracture, but it was hard to tell for sure, so they splinted him up real good and told us to see our doctor next week.

The kid is seriously milking it for all its worth, but I can tell that he really is in pain. We followed up with our pediatrician, who had a 3rd round of x-rays done, and they came back clear, so NO FRACTURE, which is great news. The urgent care doctor was talking about specialists and surgery and making my head spin!  

We'll leave it splinted for a few more days, it's still pretty tender and is giving him the peace of mind that no one else can bump it.   Phew! Tragedy averted:)

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