Saturday, December 26, 2015

1 Month

I can't believe this guy has been in our family a whole month. We basically can't get enough of him. There is no shortage of love around here that's for sure. He'll be grateful when winter break is over too, cause there IS a shortage of sleep 'cause everybody wants to play with him... ALL.THE.TIME.

 We had to weigh/measure at home cause he won't go to the doctor for another month, but he is growing like a weed. He's gained a pound and a half since he came home and grown an inch and a half.

Here is another photo I took for Christmas, I didn't want to post till Grandma's opened their gifts!

He eats like clock work- every 3 hours, day and night. He's a great sleeper at night (except that every 3 hour thing- which I know will get better) so we're grateful for that!

He's very alert, and just seems to take everything in. He's not really smiling yet (at least voluntarily, anyways) so he just always seems so serious.

Sienna bought Jacob this bear for Christmas. They're about the same size!

These cheeks!They kill me, I can't even be mad at him for peeing on me and spitting up all over me right before this!

This is what he really thought about our photo shoots

1 comment:

  1. I have forgot to check your blog. Today I decided to just in case. Wonderful! Thanks for keeping it up. Jacob is so cute and is growing like a weed.
