Saturday, December 26, 2015

1 Month

I can't believe this guy has been in our family a whole month. We basically can't get enough of him. There is no shortage of love around here that's for sure. He'll be grateful when winter break is over too, cause there IS a shortage of sleep 'cause everybody wants to play with him... ALL.THE.TIME.

 We had to weigh/measure at home cause he won't go to the doctor for another month, but he is growing like a weed. He's gained a pound and a half since he came home and grown an inch and a half.

Here is another photo I took for Christmas, I didn't want to post till Grandma's opened their gifts!

He eats like clock work- every 3 hours, day and night. He's a great sleeper at night (except that every 3 hour thing- which I know will get better) so we're grateful for that!

He's very alert, and just seems to take everything in. He's not really smiling yet (at least voluntarily, anyways) so he just always seems so serious.

Sienna bought Jacob this bear for Christmas. They're about the same size!

These cheeks!They kill me, I can't even be mad at him for peeing on me and spitting up all over me right before this!

This is what he really thought about our photo shoots

Friday, December 4, 2015

This Girl

This sweet girl was not real sure about this coming baby. She would often say she didn't like the baby because he was hurting me or because I was to tired to play with her. But now that he's here and she can actually SEE him, she's in love, just like the rest of us!

She has started singing to Jacob when he's upset and he calms almost instantly. I told her she was "hired" to take care of him and she took that very seriously. She started telling everyone that "mommy hired me" and then she started negotiating her pay. Silly girl!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Funerals mean FAMILY
 This picture made my heart swell. Logan..Tanner..David..Hannah. I asked Tanner about it and he said Logan was crying to they were comforting him. 
 Jon & Chase
 Logan, Tanner & David
 Sienna, Hannah, & Shelby
 Aubrie & Shelby

The service for GG was beautiful, It was a real celebration of her life. I don't know how much my younger kids understand, but Sienna really misses her, and said she'd like to go to heaven to visit her.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

1 week

I know I've only been at it for one week now, but I'm really killin' it at this thing called 'LIFE'. I like to be awake during the day and sleep at night. I'm hungry every 3 hours on the dot, and I polish off a bottle in under 5 minutes. And I keep that food down, no spit up here. I really don't like having my diaper changed, but come on- who does, am I right? And these people I live with... the big ones love to hold me and love me, and the one called Mom can't stop kissing me. The little ones, they actually FIGHT over doing things for me - basically, I'm a rockstar people.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Our week

So much has happened over the last 8 months, and that is a post for another time. Right now I'd like to tell you about our week. Well, first let me back up 6 weeks. We were approached by my in-laws with a proposition. They wanted to down-size, work towards retirement, but we run our family business out of their house... so, we decided to buy their house and they will temporarily live in an RV on the property, while we work to build them an apartment/casita in the back yard. So we decided to list our house on Purdue Circle on October 15th, we figured it would take a few weeks/months to sell and we could get through having the baby (SURPRISE, haven't mentioned that here yet) and the holidays and move come the first of the year. However, we got an offer within 2 days, a full-price, very aggressive offer with a closing date of November 24th... 2 days before Thanksgiving and 10 days before this baby would make his daybeau. Well we accepted, of course, we'd be crazy not to, and the crazy began.

This move was extra complicated because we had to move my in-laws out, box up 90% of their stuff, and move them into the RV before we could move in, which really hasn't gone as smooth as it could have. We rented a moving truck on the morning of Saturday the 21st and filled it with their furniture to take to storage, then went to our house and filled it with our furniture to bring to the new house. It was exhausting, and I really could do so little to help being massively pregnant, and all.

Sunday the 22nd, we got up early to go to the old house and clean the carpets and give it a good once over cleaning. We left the kids at the new house because frankly they wouldn't be any help. We got home at about noon and were met at the door with panicked kids... GG (Scott's 93 year old Grandma) had fallen getting out of the car at church and had broken her hip and was at the hospital. She had to have surgery and was doing well, although she was on Morphine, was swearing like a sailor and had already propositioned a doctor.

Monday was spent trying to tunnel a path through the boxes in the garage to try and find any of our things. Because my in-laws were at the hospital and Scott was at work, I did way too much, but I was trying to get everything done.  At about 9pm, we got the kids in bed and I started having contractions. Nothing new, I'd been having them off and on for a month now, but suddenly they started to get a bit painful and when I timed them, they were only about 5 minutes apart. After about 30 minutes, I decided I better call the doctor. They told me to take some tylenol, drink 2-3 cups of water to really flush my system and lie down on my left side. It worked for about 30 minutes, which was a relief, but then they started to come back, with a vengeance this time. At about 11pm, we decided we'd better go to the hospital to get checked out, so we went and woke up Scott's mom out in the RV and asked her to come sleep with the kids in the house.

We checked into the hospital and they got me all hooked up in triage. They checked me and I was only dialated to a 1, which was a bummer, but then I started having killer contractions. Like I wanted to die contractions. My hat is off to any woman who does this naturally- I was begging for drugs in triage! After an hour of fluids, the nurse came in and said "Well folks, it looks like we're having a baby tonight, I can not send you home with those contractions" (PRAISE THE LORD).

 She had called my doctor who was going to be there in about 30 minutes. I was not prepared for this. We had a plan, and he was to be born on Dec 4th, we really needed to stick to the plan. Plus, I was not mentally prepared to have a C-section in just 30 minutes. I was so scared. They wheeled me into the delivery room, got me all squared away and then brought Scott in. Jacob Boyd Mortensen was born at 1:59am, he was 7lbs, 6oz and 19.5 inches long. I'm not going to lie, hearing him cry opened up a flood of emotions. I was laying there on the table, just bawling like a baby. It was kindof a rough surgery, there was A LOT of tugging and pressure. Of course it didn't hurt at all, but when you're draped with a sheet so you can't see any of it, you can only imagine what in the world was going on!

Of course, he was perfect... which I am so grateful for! They took me back to recovery, I kept dozing off, because I'd been awake for 21 hours at this point, and every time I did, my oxygen levels dropped which made the machine start beeping. Finally after probably 90 minutes someone got me an oxygen mask and I could sleep a little bit, thought they were poking, prodding and checking on me, so no real rest was had.

At about 4am, unbeknownst to us, Scott's grandma coded and was put on a respirator. By 5:30 she had still not woken up, so my in-laws had to go there, so they woke Chase up to let him know all that was happening so that he wouldn't freak out to find them home alone when they all woke up. Scott went and got the kids at about 10am and brought them to the hospital, to see their new baby brother! He took them home at about 1pm, and when he got back he told me that his Grandmother had died at about 1:30, her heart just stopped on it's own, so amidst all the happiness of a new baby was the sadness of losing 'GG.'

The hospital stay was exhausting honestly. I always get bad pains in my shoulders from the gas used during the surgery, and it seemed especially bad this go around. I basically slept sitting in a chair that first night (after being awake for basically a day and a half) and they came in so many times to check on me. I had to get up 4 times to turn the light off because the nurses kept forgetting to turn it off, and between the pain in my incision and the pain in my shoulders, that was no easy task. My sweet husband was there but after literally no sleep for 36 hours, he was knocked out! (I had at least dozed here and there thru out the day)

We finally got to go home on Thanksgiving day which was a nice surprise, I thought they'd keep us longer. So my mother-in-law prepared the best Thanksgiving dinner and we spent the day together, it was quiet but nice.

Friday found us relaxing and healing and catching up on sleep, and involved family coming into town and funeral planning. The family had to have GG's apartment at her assisted living center cleaned out asap and so started the 3rd move in less than a week. Of course, I couldn't help, but it was still stressful all around.

We're excited for things to slow down, so we can slip into a routine a start to just enjoy this beautiful new baby boy!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

What God wants for moms

A friend posted this on Facebook and I was grateful. It was a much needed reminder that, as a mom, I do have important work to do! Read the article, it'll brighten your day!

Friday, March 20, 2015

A Goal accomplished...almost

I started on the wood floors this week. It's spring break which means I don't have to play chauffeur all day, so I thought why not. The kids were pretty  helpful through the process, often times I just needed their body weight to hold something down. I'm pretty proud of myself. I did 90% of it by myself (and my back muscles KNOW it!) - Hubbie had the chance for over time this week and that doesn't come around very often, so he couldn't really help much.

 Good bye hideous white tile with nasty black grout!!
 This kid had a bit too much fun smashing tile. 

It's looking beautiful!!! This is my dining room, we still need to finish baseboards and the kitchen. I can't wait till it's done. It's gonna look amazing:)